Sunday, July 1, 2007

Okato, Aotearoa

a beautiful place to be beset by jetlag, and listen to the rain on the roof. re-entry is a strange process...
from my bedroom window, Otako

today nick + i gave an artist's talk at the Govett-Brewster gallery in New Plymouth... artists talks are great if nerve-wracking things - very clarifying, and if you get asked hard questions, things really start to tick within.

kirsten and nick talking about kirsten, nick and ben

I have finally seen litter in-situ, and am really pleased with it. so strange to have a work in a gallery, day after day after day, no change - a static but wonderful state to work with - so solid.

I am still missing Banff, and today particularly Amalie - in Tim + Rhana's home is a white tine that she would especially love i think

the bonny white tine, plaster, on Rhana's wall

so, so much water and rain here - treeferns everywhere - I cannot wait to do the workshop on tuesday and then get out into it.... oh yes - Microclimates workshop. Us making very small cultivated environments. with whoever shows up. come!

microclimates workshop

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