Thursday, October 5, 2006

experimental weavers

experimental basketry - Hisako Sekijima - best article found so far here

Hisako Sekijima, Bound Space, 1997; knotted apricot; 18.5 by 14 by 3 inches.

Hisako Sekijima, From the Earth, 1990;
stitched zelkova; 10 by 12 by 15, 7.5 by 15 by 17, 5 by 16 by 16, and 5 by 7 by 7 inches.

Hisako Sekijima, Interacted Holes, 2001;
plaited walnut; 8 by 9.5 by 9.5 inches. Photo by the artist.

cherry and maple,
8" x 10" x 9”

Sekijima with some of her work in 1994.
All photos, unless otherwise credited, are by Tom Grotta, courtesy of browngrotta arts, Wilton, Connecticut.


Jane Balsgaard
- whom I'm not sure but i think MIGHT be the artist whom I found a monogram of in Brunswick St bookstore many years ago and have been looking for ever since (not sure tho - not enough images to say - same style however):

Papersculpture, 60 x 200 x 40 cm. Paper and villow.

Studio in Ole Olsens Alle

Art of Bamboo, Java 2002

Foto: copyright Torben Dragsby


1990, piassaua, håndstøbt papir, Galleri Asbæk

Lovaas & Wagle
Paint, wood, nylon stockings
13 1/4 x 13 1/4", 1999
© 2000 browngrotta arts
Photo: Tom Grotta

Foto: copyright Torben Dragsby


2000, pilekviste, kozopapir,

3 x 8 x 5 m.,
Transit, Charlottenborg

Foto: copyright Torben Dragsby


2000, pinde og håndstøbt papir,

460 x 70 x 90 cm.,
Galleri Asbæk

image from frontpage of her site

Jane Balsgaard
willow and paper,
17.75" x 59" x 11.75”, 2002

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